Relevance of our work

The work of IT professionals is changing our society and our way of life and work, so it is important that during our work, as members of this community, we behave with high ethical and professional responsibility. This code of ethics and professional conduct will guide and inspire the ethical and professional conduct of all SHPIK members, including students, staff, organizations, teachers, counselors, freelancers, and our partners.

Our Core Values

At SHPIK, we share these common values:

  1. The importance of digital skills
    Digital skills are of critical importance for the development of society!
  2. Professionalism
    Accountability and ethical behavior will guide our work and dedication to the community we serve!
  3. Voluntary work
    Volunteer work, commitment and community participation are the best way to fulfill the goals and objectives of the organization!
  4. Diversity, equality and inclusiveness
    The digital transformation of society cannot happen at the cost of equality, diversity and inclusiveness. We will make sure that through our actions no one will be left behind!
  5. Community
    The exchange and interaction of members of the IT community with other communities is the best way to learn and advance.
  6. Thinking differently
    We encourage different thinking in order to foster tolerance, respect, understanding and innovation in our work and community.
  7. Respect and responsibility
    We communicate openly with each other in a spirit of goodwill. In case of conflicts, we will commit ourselves to resolve them fairly and objectively to produce effective solutions. Our communication culture is built on mutual trust. Constructive criticism is welcome.
  8. Sincerity and integrity
    We will interact constructively and honestly. Our work, our work methods, data, processes, and results of our work will be carried out and documented faithfully.

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

The code of conduct of our organization defines the principles that will guide us in our work as an organization and in our interaction with members of our organization or other organizations. This code of conduct is applicable to all members of the organization as well as to all employees of the organization. The principles of our code of ethics and professional conduct are:

  1. The public good will be our focus and concern
  2. Our decision-making processes will always be transparent
  3. We will continuously monitor our work to ensure objectivity and, if necessary, take corrective action
  4. We will always be honest in our communication and actions
  5. Our decisions will always be in the best interest of society, public safety, and the environment
  6. We will always fulfill our obligations
  7. We will strive to maintain the reputation of the profession and to continuously advance our professional knowledge and skills as well as to be familiar with the latest technological developments and standards that are relevant to our scope
  8. We will respect the intellectual property
  9. We will protect the confidentiality of the information entrusted to us
  10. We will respect the privacy of data and will never infringe on the rights of individuals or groups
  11. We will respect local and international laws and regulations
  12. We will apply best professional practices in our work
  13. We will commit to work only in those areas for which we are competent
  14. We will build systems and solutions that are robust and secure
  15. We will create opportunities for members of the organization to develop
  16. SHPIK members pledge to treat each other with respect
  17. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination, sexual harassment, violence or intimidation
  18. We will avoid participating in any activity that could damage the organization or the reputation of the organization and its members
  19. Confirmation of agreement on the validity and implementation of the code of ethics and professional conduct will precede membership in the SHPIK
  20. This code may be amended from time to time in accordance with the procedures to be determined by the governing structures
  21. We will respect, apply, and promote this code of ethics and professional conduct
  22. Violation of the code of ethics and professional conduct is contrary to membership in the SHPIK and can be reported secretly and anonymously by anyone
  23. The violation of this agreement will result in immediate expulsion from the organization